15 French Adjectives You Need to Know! (Level B2)

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Today, I’m excited to help you discover or strengthen your French vocabulary with 15 common and practical adjectives. To make this learning experience even more fun, I’ve prepared a little quiz that I featured in a video. I’ll guide you through this article to help you memorize these adjectives and use them in your daily conversations. Ready to enrich your vocabulary? Let’s get started!

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A Fun Quiz to Learn

Learning adjectives can sometimes feel repetitive, but in this video, I wanted to make it fun and engaging. Through a simple interactive quiz, you’ll discover 15 adjectives that you can easily incorporate into your daily French conversations. Each adjective is presented with three answer choices, and it’s up to you to guess the correct meaning. It’s a great way to learn while having fun!

The Adjectives and Their Meanings

1. Édifiant/Édifiante

Meaning: Interesting, instructive, inspiring.
Example: “La lecture de ce livre a été véritablement édifiante.”
(“Reading this book was truly edifying.”)

This adjective is perfect for describing something that provides you with new knowledge or makes you think. For example, a documentary can be edifying if you find it educational.

2. Imprévisible

Meaning: Unpredictable, something you can’t foresee.
Example: “Cet accident était vraiment imprévisible.”
(“This accident was truly unpredictable.”)

Use imprévisible to describe something or someone whose actions or reactions you can’t foresee. This adjective is very useful for talking about sudden events or unexpected behavior.

3. Exaltant / Exaltante

Meaning: Thrilling, exciting, stimulating.
Example: “La victoire a été exaltante pour les supporters.”
(“The victory was exhilarating for the fans.”)

This adjective is often used to describe moments of great joy or situations that cause intense excitement. It’s ideal for talking about significant events.

4. Prodigieux / Prodigieuse

Meaning: Remarkable, extraordinary.
Example: “Ses talents artistiques sont prodigieux.”
(“His artistic talents are prodigious.”)

Prodigieux is used to talk about something exceptional, something that stands out for its greatness or quality.

5. Insolite

Meaning: Unusual, uncommon.
Example: “Son comportement est parfois insolite.”
(“His behavior is sometimes unusual.”)

Use insolite to describe things or situations that are out of the ordinary, that surprise you with their originality or rarity.

6. Persévérant / Persévérante

Meaning: Determined, persistent.
Example: “Elle va réussir car elle est très persévérante.”
(“She will succeed because she is very persistent.”)

This adjective is perfect for describing someone who never gives up, who pursues their goals with determination, despite obstacles.

7. Solennel / Solennelle

Meaning: Serious, grand, majestic.
Example: “Le discours du président était solennel.”
(“The president’s speech was solemn.”)

Solennel is used to describe events or behaviors imbued with gravity and dignity. It’s often associated with ceremonies or important declarations.

8. Controversé / Controversée

Meaning: Controversial, something that divides opinions.
Example: “Ce sujet de la discussion était très controversé.”
(“This discussion topic was very controversial.”)

This adjective is used to describe topics or opinions that provoke disagreement, that don’t achieve consensus.

9. Authentique

Meaning: Genuine, real.
Example: “Ce vase de l’époque romaine est authentique.”
(“This Roman-era vase is authentic.”)

Authentique is used to talk about something that is genuinely what it claims to be, something that is not falsified or imitated.

10. Irrévérencieux / Irrévérencieuse

Meaning: Disrespectful, impolite.
Example: “Ses blagues irrévérencieuses ont choqué les invités.”
(“His irreverent jokes shocked the guests.”)

This adjective is perfect for describing attitudes or remarks that go against conventions, that lack respect.

11. Éblouissant / Éblouissante

Meaning: Brilliant, dazzling.
Example: “La lumière éblouissante du soleil traversait les nuages.”
(“The dazzling sunlight pierced through the clouds.”)

Éblouissant is used to describe something very bright or very beautiful, something that catches your eye with its splendor.

12. Inébranlable

Meaning: Unyielding, solid, tenacious.
Example: “Malgré les problèmes, sa volonté reste inébranlable.”
(“Despite the problems, his resolve remains unshakable.”)

This adjective describes an inner strength that doesn’t waver, that remains firm despite difficulties. It’s often used to talk about a person’s determination.

13. Fulgurant / Fulgurante

Meaning: Lightning-fast, sudden.
Example: “Son succès fulgurant a impressionné ses amis.”
(“His meteoric success impressed his friends.”)

Fulgurant is used to describe something that happens very quickly, in an intense and often surprising way.


14. Éloquent / Éloquente

Meaning: Articulate, convincing.
Example: “Son discours éloquent a captivé l’attention de tous.”
(“His eloquent speech captured everyone’s attention.”)

This adjective is ideal for describing a person who speaks well, who knows how to persuade and captivate their audience with the quality of their arguments.

15. Rigoureux / Rigoureuse

Meaning: Strict, precise, demanding.
Example: “Il a imposé une discipline rigoureuse dans la classe.”
(“He imposed a rigorous discipline in the classroom.”)

Rigoureux is often used to talk about methods, rules, or behaviors that require great precision and discipline.

Count Your Points and Share Your Score on these 15 French adjectives!

Now that you know these 15 adjectives, how many correct answers did you get? Feel free to share your score in the comments and let me know which adjective you found most useful or hardest to remember.

15 French adjectives to know!
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