Mastering French Verbs in the Present Tense: A Comprehensive Guide
In this video, we dive into 25 essential French verbs, all conjugated in the present indicative tense. This tense is one of the most versatile in French, used not only for actions taking place right now but also for expressing general truths, regular habits, and even some events in the past or future.
Learning these verbs will give you a strong foundation for daily French communication, allowing you to navigate conversations about common activities, express yourself clearly, and build confidence in speaking. From fundamental verbs like “être” (to be) and “avoir” (to have) to widely used action verbs like “manger” (to eat) and “voir” (to see), we cover everything you need to get started.
Let’s jump in and master these essential verbs together!
Understanding the Present Tense of French Verbs
The present tense in French isn’t limited to describing the “now.” It conveys ongoing actions, habitual events, universal truths, and more. Here’s how the present tense applies to 25 essential French verbs.

Conjugating Regular French Verbs Ending in -ER
Regular -ER verbs have consistent conjugation patterns, which makes them easier to learn. Let’s explore the common French verbs in this category.
The French Verb “Aimer” – To Love
- Conjugation: j’aime, tu aimes, il/elle aime, nous aimons, vous aimez, ils/elles aiment
- Usage: Other frequently used French verbs such as penser (to think), parler (to speak), rester (to stay), trouver (to find), and donner (to give) follow this pattern.
The French Verb “Manger” – To Eat
- Conjugation: je mange, tu manges, il/elle mange, nous mangeons, vous mangez, ils/elles mangent
- Note: At the nous form, add an “e” (nous mangeons) to retain the sound.
The French Verb “Appeler” – To Call
- Conjugation: j’appelle, tu appelles, il/elle appelle, nous appelons, vous appelez, ils/elles appellent
- Tip: “Appeler” uses a double “l” in most forms, but not in appelons or appelez.
The French Verb “Jeter” – To Throw
- Conjugation: je jette, tu jettes, il/elle jette, nous jetons, vous jetez, ils/elles jettent
- Note: The radical form changes here, with a single “t” in nous and vous forms.
Essential Irregular French Verbs You Need to Know
Certain verbs are irregular but indispensable in French. Here’s how to handle some key ones.
The Irregular French Verb “Aller” – To Go
- Conjugation: je vais, tu vas, il/elle va, nous allons, vous allez, ils/elles vont
- Note: One of the most irregular French verbs, used widely in daily conversation.
The Irregular French Verb “Être” – To Be
- Conjugation: je suis, tu es, il/elle est, nous sommes, vous êtes, ils/elles sont
- Usage: Fundamental for describing identity, states, and existence in French.
The Irregular French Verb “Avoir” – To Have
- Conjugation: j’ai, tu as, il/elle a, nous avons, vous avez, ils/elles ont
The Irregular French Verb “Faire” – To Do/Make
- Conjugation: je fais, tu fais, il/elle fait, nous faisons, vous faites, ils/elles font
Commonly Used French Verbs for Everyday Conversation
These verbs are essential for asking questions, expressing opinions, and more.
The French Verb “Voir” – To See
- Conjugation: je vois, tu vois, il/elle voit, nous voyons, vous voyez, ils/elles voient
The French Verb “Dire” – To Say
- Conjugation: je dis, tu dis, il/elle dit, nous disons, vous dites, ils/elles disent
The French Verb “Savoir” – To Know
- Conjugation: je sais, tu sais, il/elle sait, nous savons, vous savez, ils/elles savent
The French Verb “Pouvoir” – To Be Able To
- Conjugation: je peux, tu peux, il/elle peut, nous pouvons, vous pouvez, ils/elles peuvent
The French Verb “Vouloir” – To Want
- Conjugation: je veux, tu veux, il/elle veut, nous voulons, vous voulez, ils/elles veulent

Shared Conjugation Patterns in Common French Verbs
These verbs share patterns, making them easier to learn as a group.
The French Verbs “Venir” and “Tenir” – To Come and To Hold
- Conjugation: je viens, tu viens, il/elle vient, nous venons, vous venez, ils/elles viennent
The French Verbs “Prendre” and “Comprendre” – To Take and To Understand
- Conjugation: je prends, tu prends, il/elle prend, nous prenons, vous prenez, ils/elles prennent
The French Verb “Croire” – To Believe
- Conjugation: je crois, tu crois, il/elle croit, nous croyons, vous croyez, ils/elles croient
Special Conjugation Needs for Certain French Verbs
Here are a few commonly used verbs that require unique attention in the present tense.
The French Verb “Mettre” – To Put
- Conjugation: je mets, tu mets, il/elle met, nous mettons, vous mettez, ils/elles mettent
The French Verb “Devoir” – To Have To
- Conjugation: je dois, tu dois, il/elle doit, nous devons, vous devez, ils/elles doivent
Mastering Basic French Verbs for Everyday Use
These essential verbs will improve your conversational skills in French.
The French Verb “Partir” – To Leave
- Conjugation: je pars, tu pars, il/elle part, nous partons, vous partez, ils/elles partent
The French Verb “Connaître” – To Know (Someone)
- Conjugation: je connais, tu connais, il/elle connaît, nous connaissons, vous connaissez, ils/elles connaissent
Final Thoughts on Learning Essential French Verbs in the Present Tense
You’ve now covered the present tense conjugations of 25 indispensable French verbs. Practicing these verbs regularly will enhance your understanding and fluency in daily French conversations.