
How to Use Prepositions with Cities and Countries in French

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Master French Prepositions: Essential Guide to Cities & Countries!

In this article, I’ll walk you through one of the key lessons for French learners: how to use prepositions with city and country names.

By the end of this lesson, you’ll have a clear understanding of when to use “à,” “au,” “en,” and “aux” in front of city and country names. We’ll cover masculine and feminine countries, plural countries, and places starting with vowels. Plus, I’ll include some exercises to help you practice what you’ve learned.

So, are you ready? Let’s dive in!

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The Basics of Prepositions in French

Before we get into specific examples, let’s clarify a couple of basics. In French, the preposition you use depends on the type of noun you’re referring to:

  • For cities: Use “à”
  • For masculine countries: Use “au”
  • For feminine countries: Use “en”
  • For plural countries: Use “aux”
  • For countries starting with a vowel: Use “en”

Let’s now look at each of these in detail.

Prepositions with Masculine Country Names

If the country name is masculine, meaning it doesn’t end with an “e,” the preposition “au” is used. For example:

  • “J’habite au Maroc”
    Translation: I live in Morocco

Since “le Maroc” is a masculine country name, you use “au” in front of it.

Prepositions with Feminine Country Names

For country names that are feminine (usually ending in “e”), the preposition “en” is required. For instance:

  • “Elle voyage en France”
    Translation: She is traveling in France

Here, “la France” is feminine, so you use “en.”

Prepositions with Plural Country Names

For countries with plural names, the preposition “aux” is used. Here’s an example:

  • “Nous travaillons aux États-Unis”
    Translation: We work in the United States

“Les États-Unis” is plural, which is why “aux” is the correct preposition.

Prepositions with Country Names Starting with a Vowel

If the country name starts with a vowel, regardless of whether it’s masculine or feminine, use “en”. For example:

  • “Jeanne étudie en Italie”
    Translation: Jeanne is studying in Italy

Since “Italie” starts with a vowel, “en” is used even though “l’Italie” is a feminine noun.

Prepositions with Cities

Using prepositions with city names is straightforward. You always use “à” (with an accent). For example:

  • “Vous habitez à Madrid”
    Translation: You live in Madrid

No matter which city you’re referring to, “à” is always the correct preposition.

Exercise: Applying the Rules

Now that we’ve covered the basic rules, it’s time to practice! I’ll give you a few sentences, and you can figure out which preposition to use.

Sentence 1:

“Next year, Zehra will study architecture in Istanbul.”

Which preposition should you use?

Answer: “L’année prochaine, Zehra part étudier l’architecture à Istanbul.”

Since Istanbul is a city, we use “à.”

Sentence 2:

“I would love to live in England, but life there is expensive.”

What’s the right preposition here?

Answer: “J’aimerais beaucoup habiter en Angleterre, mais la vie y est chère.”

Since Angleterre starts with a vowel, you use “en.”

Sentence 3:

“My friends are on vacation in Portugal until the end of summer.”

What should you use here?

Answer: “Mes amis sont en vacances au Portugal jusqu’à la fin de l’été.”

Because Portugal is a masculine country, the correct preposition is “au.”

Sentence 6:

“The headquarters of my company were relocated to Luxembourg.”

Answer: “Le siège de mon entreprise a été délocalisé au Luxembourg.”

Because Luxembourg is masculine, use “au.”

Sentence 7:

“I recommend you go to Tunisia if you want to find affordable travel deals.”

Answer: “Je te conseille d’aller en Tunisie si tu veux trouver des séjours à prix raisonnable.”

Since Tunisie is feminine, use “en.”

Sentence 8:

“Mina did her Erasmus year in Germany.”

Answer: “Mina a effectué son année Erasmus en Allemagne.”

Because Allemagne starts with a vowel, use “en.”

Sentence 9:

“If you can’t stand the heat, don’t go to Africa.”

Answer: “Si vous ne supportez pas la chaleur, n’allez pas en Afrique.”

Since Afrique starts with a vowel, use “en.”

Sentence 10:

“The next archaeological digs will take place in the Netherlands.”

Answer: “Les prochaines fouilles archéologiques auront lieu aux Pays-Bas.”

Because les Pays-Bas is plural, the correct preposition is “aux.”

Last word about these French prepositions

That wraps up today’s lesson! I hope you now feel more confident using French prepositions with city and country names. Remember, practice makes perfect. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop them in the video comments!

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Quick Guide to French Prepositions