FOOD & DRINKS | 20 French words to know

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In this short French lesson for beginners, we teach you useful words that you can use when you speak about food or drinks.
We suggest you watch this video first. Listen carefully to this video, repeat the words several times and then take the quiz. Good luck!


To extend this short lesson, you will find after the quiz some more words to improve your French lexicon.



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Here are more phrases to know about food and improve your French vocabulary, enjoy 🙂

des oeufs / eggs
du fromage de chèvre 
/ goat’s cheese
le pain grillé / toasted bread
le pâté / pâté
la moutarde / mustard
du saumon fumé / smoked salmon
une quiche lorraine / a quiche lorraine (pie with ham, béchamel and cheese
du thon / tuna fish
les sardines / sardines

une tarte aux pommes / an apple pie
a yaourt / a yoghurt
une glace / an ice cream
un pain aux raisins / a raisin bread
un gâteau / a cake
une salade de fruits / a fruit salad